Sunday, September 5, 2010

The stupidities incessant cable tv watching

It is unfathomable to me how many people waste so much time of the valuable, unique adventurous sojourns of their life upon this earth in watching a second or third rate re-dramatisation of life in the form of series dramas or tv shows or soap operas.

This is the only life I have on this earth, my business life is too haphazard and whimsical to want to escape through the artificially preserved tension of a crime-fighting or discovery drama or a what-if-fantasy. My love life is tempestuous and tantalizing enough without trailing after ficticious relationships with air-brushed, painted, died, and self-consciously sensuous men who have unrealisitic and sometimes mindless tensions with unrealistically salon-groomed, manicured, push-up bra clad, gun clutching actresses. My man, my family and friends are dramatic enough and I am a human whirlwind of drama. Do not misunderstand me. I love movies, when well acted out, well executed, well-written, and weighty in consequence. But the series dramas of today have nothing on my life, my real life, as it is.

For that matter, the cheap romance novels have got nothing on my life. Moreover, those darn video games that men seem so entranced with have got nothing on my life, with all of its humor, joy, sorrow, bitterness, sweetness, swiftness, steadiness, unpredictability, adventure and peace. Yes, peace, even in the midst of all this uncertainty. To those of you who spend hours on end doing these things, I can only express my sympathy, because your lives must be dull right now. Either that or you have been blinded to the adventure and beauty and wonder that is right in front of your eyes.

Beautiful views of the sea

The ocean has always been one of the most powerful images of the infinite mercy, power, beauty and majesty of God. Though used as a subject in art constantly through the ages, finding something in art that will capture the wonder of each glistening green and blue, each curlings wave, each foamy pleasure; is as unlikely as being able to scale a star, liquidate a mountain or unravel the mysteries in the human eye.