Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Not To Ask Your Bridesmaid To Wear #4


Newsflash: Women come in all shapes and sizes and they are all beautiful.

Another Newsflash: What you see in the magazines are fake bodies.

If your bridesmaides are real women with real bodies, then understand if they can't all wear the same style of gown. If your sister Joan is really tall and long legged, don't try to force her in a teensy tiny dress. If your cousin Nellie is under five feet tall, with a tiny build, don't drown her in yards and yards of flounces and frills. If your groom's sister Katie is thinny thinny thin, she probably does not have full hips or a copious chest so she should not be in a dress that was cut for a woman with both. If your best friend from highschool, Tiffany, is big boned and full-figured, don't try to squeeze her lovely self into a dress designed for a box. If Barb, your best friend from college has a strong athletic build, she can't wear anything that could be mistaken for a slip (I generally discourage ladies from wearing those no matter what they look like.) This dress might not have to be one that they can be versatile and mult-occassional, but it should be one that makes them feel breathtakingly beautiful, as they are.

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