Friday, July 15, 2011


So today I have recieved news and it looks like I am going to get a new place and a new job in a new town. It seems like it has taken such a long struggle for me to get this far. While I am in shock at how blessed I am after such a long haul, I can't help pining in my heart for the small town that I have called home for six years and even more for the dear darling friends and acquaintences I have come to know. I miss all of you so much already.

I am so tired of having to say goodbye to the people that I love. I am trusting, though, that since God seems to have finally answered some of my prayers in the affirmative, that He might say yes to a few more and that His vision of my ultimate Good still will be recognizable to me when I find it.

If home is where your heart is, then there are bits of my heart in so many places and I am still so young. Life is such a prolonged pang of separation. It makes me long all the more for heaven.

I told my youngest sister once that Heaven is a place where there are no more goodbyes. I miss my youngest sister so much at this moment that I can barely breathe.

Dear God, I know in my mind and hope in my heart that You have a great plan for my life, and You know that I have been trying to follow your Will all of my life. You also know that I don't have the strength to do it without You. So please keep sustaining me in existence and helping me not to die of my heartaches, worries, loneliness and old wounds. Please protect me in my work and provide the means so that I can finally be financially safe and free. Please take care of all the people that I love.

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